Sleep paralysis is a state of not being able to move, either upon onset of sleep or upon waking. The person feels as he is conscious but a pressure upon him, so unable to move or even unable to blink eye. Sleep paralysis is not life threatening but it may promote anxiety.
In our society there are many myths about it as it has been said that it is caused due to super nature powers but actually it is caused due to sleeping illnesses, either insomnia or narcolepsy. It mostly occur during adolescence & at 20s to 30s of age it may become frequent. It occurs just after sleep or before waking. It is not harmful but people takes it as a haunted act & if a person goes through it, he may remember it for years.

Most of people who have been through sleep disorders their symptoms are mostly same, as most of them feel pressure on chest, unable to move but consciousness.
Sleep paralysis has been linked with hallucinations i.e presence of intruder in the moon, sensation of floating etc


Sleep paralysis occurs due to
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irregular sleep patterns due to more work burden
  • Sleep on back/ spine position
  • Family history of sleep paralysis


Many individuals that suffer from sleep paralysis are unable to explain their symptoms, mostly explain that they might feel some abnormal suffering. Many imagined sounds such as buzzing, static & zapping noises are being reported during sleep paralysis.
There are many other signs & symptoms
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Pressure on chest
  • Brain consciousness during sleep
  • Feeling of being dead
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Sweating
  • Wake but unable to speak
  • Wake but unable to move 


Sleep paralysis is commonly not considered as medical disorder but if it remain persistent then must consult a psychiatrist or physician as it is due to other sleeping disorder as narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy is a condition in which a person readily get sleep at unexpected or inappropriate time i.e day time or during work.
Diagnosis is made by consulting a health care provider & by explain your symptoms. Differential diagnosis has been done which includes following conditions;
  • Exploding Head syndrome
  • Nightmare Disorder
  • Sleeping Terror
  • Nocturnal Panic Attacks
  • Post Traumatic Stress disorder


Sleep in spine position is considered to be a big factor which promotes sleep paralysis, so try to avoid it and sleep at side position. Take proper sleep & make your mind relax.
Do proper exercise & take good diet.


  • By improving sleep habits, take 6-8 hours of sleep day each night.
  • Take anti-depressants if prescribed by physician to improve sleep cycles.
  • Self-empowerment to fight against it.
  • Self psycho education
  • In sleep paralysis there is no blocking of exogenous stimuli, it means another person can stimulate the suffering individual to wake-up from sleep paralysis.
It is a sleeping disorder & so it can be better managed by improving sleep wake cycles. Mental relaxation is a very important tool which helps in every condition, so make yourself busy in activities which build a poeitive effect upon your mental & physical health.

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